July 22, 2013


first off, thank you, bum for not dying. i think it will be a while before i can joke about the accident. but i am so thankful that everything is ok and that heavenly father is blessing our family.

i feel like i am kinda at a loss for words right now. i know there was a lot to say, so i will just keep typing.
this last tuesday i had the blessing of teaching other missionaries. it was scary. and i was looking forward to learning from it, but definitely scared to actually learn. it was for zone interviews. i taught for about an hour total, to my zone. but really it was more of a discussion. i know that i learn much better with a discussion setting and where i feel comfortable giving input, so i did that the best i could. we learned about the holy ghost in missionary work. it sure was great. i felt really happy after.

 i also went on two exchanges this week, which were great. remember carolina and oscany? i got to see them!! it was so good to see them. we were all happy and hugging and all that good stuff. we taught oscany about the atonement and earth life. at the end, she said the most wonderful prayer. you know how in the scriptures they talk about talking to god as if they are talking to a friend? that is how she prayed. it was like she was talking to a good friend. she expressed in her prayer that she felt the spirit during our visit. she was so sweet. man i just love that family. unfortunately, carolina isnt investigating anymore. i am not sure what scared her away or distracted her, but she is not interested. it is sad because it makes it that much harder for oscany.

i really love my companions and the sisters i am responsible for. being in a trio definitely has its pros and cons. its really fun. its also a challenge for me. please keep praying for me and my companions.

one of our investigators... she is a struggle for us. the elders were teaching her for a while before we got here. she wanted to be baptized in june. after asking some comprehension questions, we quickly realized that things werent clicking for her. but hey, maybe thinking that the apostles are reincarnated peter, james, john, etc... isnt so bad. sadly she is an alcoholic who refuses to keep any commitments and as of recently, she has been quite intoxicated every time we see her. i am pretty worried about her. i am afraid she is going to get herself into trouble. i hope nothing too bad happens.

remember ron? the recovering alcoholic? in the last 12 days he has only drank once!!! i am so proud of him. he really wants to change his life. he really wants to be acceptable to the lord. he is so wonderful.

we met with sister lexi and bonnie this week! they are so great. they are such a cute family. sister lexi painted our nails for us. she sure is great. we get to see them again tonight, which all of us are happy about of course. they are planning on coming to church this week, and we are hoping they (along with all of our other investigators) come to a baptism that is going on this weekend. the elders in the neighboring ward are baptizing a couple! isnt that cute?! man i just think that is the coolest thing.

did i tell you that i got to meet 4 generations of LAMANITES? well i did! it was so cool! that was a couple weeks ago. this last week we went back to see them. we got to meet the husband of one of the women. it was so cool! he was all about respecting women and making sure they can voice their thoughts and beliefs.  he was so interested to know how the gospel has affected us individually. he seemed pretty happy about everything we talked about and he was also looking forward to reading the bom on his own. we are STOKED to go back to see him. what a cool man! i love it when the lord guides me.

thank you for the letter bob. i really enjoyed it. thank you for everything, family :) i love you all.
bum, careful with those cheeks!

love, sister buxton :)

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