Monday, April 15, 2013

thank you for the email. it is fun to read about lunk and kee kee and them and just imagine how the house is these days. its nice to imagine looking out the window at the snowy spring that always happens :) hahaha

thank you again for taking care of fotis. dont let him get too fat. i know i did. i had to cut back his food cuz he gained too much weight. remember if he is too much, you can still put him online and find a good home for him. i trust you.

so about the family tree- i think i mostly just want stuff like- me, parents, grandparents, and so on. as far as you would like to go. it doesnt need to be too extravagant.

well lots of good things happened this week. have i ever told you about kirby? well she is great :) we have been trying to teach her while the elders teach her husband. for some reason she likes us more and andrew, her husband, likes the elders more. they are going through some trying times right now. their money sources have been less and less available. its so sad. things have gotten worse and worse. they are getting evicted. kirby and the kids are going to stay at her mom's house but andrew doesnt have a place to stay. i think he will be couch surfing, which is sad.

we went by on tuesday to see if we could help or have a lesson or something. when we got there, kirby could hardly open the door because there was so much stuff everywhere. she invited us in and explained that she has 2 days to be out and she doesnt know how she can accomplish what needs to be done. her pants didnt fit her anymore because stress has made her lose weight and all that stuff. she cried a little out of desperation. i told her to sit down and relax for a few minutes while s berg and I went into the other room and started getting things organized and cleaned up. in just an hour or 2 we found the surfaces of the table, counters and the floor. we had all the trash taken out. we had all the cupboards cleaned out. the floor was swept. everything just needed to be wiped down and all that, which i guess her friend was coming to do.

kirby felt so much better after that. she hugged us both and thanked us many times. it was so great to not think about myself and to be able to help such a wonderful friend. that girl is so amazing. she is allowing the missionaries visit her when she moves. i will miss her. i hope things start turning around for her.

in other news- remember oscany? well. she is progressing so much! she came to church on sunday even though none of her family came. that girl is so cool! s berg extended her first baptismal date to oscany, which she... ACCEPTED! whohoo! so exciting! when she said yes, she got this grin on her face that she couldnt get rid of. it was so cute!!

so for easter dinner we were at a members home. the mom invited us over. she is the only active member in her family. they all converted a while back. that night we met brother cloutier for the first time. we had an easter message with them which they all seemed to like. at the end of the lesson, i asked bro cloutier if we could teach him all of the lessons from the beginning. he said... YES! I dont know much about this family or their situation, so my faith in him is thankfully untainted by the past. everyone else is surprised that we are teaching him at all- including the mission leader, bishop, and brother cloutiers wife.

yesterday was the first lesson! we asked him lots of questions at the beginning of the lesson and i came to realize he really is just nervous about priesthood and he doesnt understand why this church is different from other churches. wow! he is less active because he doesnt understand some basic things? well thats easy to fix. we taught the restoration simply and asked lots of questions throughout. by the end, he was perfectly willing to read the bom and pray about it. also by the end of the lesson, him and his wife were holding hands and she was beaming! so cute!

so something strange came to my attention recently. in my district, i have been there the longest. wierd! also, i was talking to a new sister missionary  on tuesday. she asked how long i have been out. i told her 5 months. she immediately replied "oh you are one of the older sisters." hahaha wow! i had no idea! i am now one of the older sisters. the more i think about it, the less chance i have of ever being a jr. companion ever again. oh boy! this is going to be an interesting mission for me.

well thank you again for the email. and the love and the support.
this is all for this weeks letter. 

love you!

love, sister horrible daughter lani buxton

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